These Women’s Hiking Pants from SheFly Eliminate One of the Most Common Frustrations Women Have on the Trail:
How to Pee Outdoors
Let’s be clear about one thing before we get to the crux of the matter: The Go There pants from SheFly would be great hiking pants for women even without their central feature. They’re flexible and durable, they have multiple pockets, they have an adjustable waist tie, they are compatible with climbing harnesses, they shed water, and they are comfortable.
But all of that would only make the Go There pants very good women’s hiking pants. It’s the subtle zipper that runs nearly all the way from the front to the back of the pants that makes these pants great. That zipper, opened wide, eliminates on of the women hiker, climber, camper, and general outdoors type person’s greatest pain points when in the wild: how to relieve oneself without essentially getting half naked in the process.
The SheFly Go There pants are one of those pieces of performance apparel that no doubt left thousands of people in the gear design space slapping their heads and saying: “Why didn’t I think of that!?” All we can say is we’re glad some people finally did. And Dad Gear Review spoke to one of those people, SheFly co-founder Charlotte Massey, to learn more about the brand behind the pants that have quickly become some of our favorite outdoor garb.
Founders Georgia Grace, Bianca Gonzalez and Charlotte Massey
What is your background in the outdoor/fitness space, both personally and professionally?
“I grew up mountaineering in Washington State and got my first ice axe at age 11,” Charlotte Massey said. “I've climbed every volcano in Washington as the only woman on my rope teams, and have experienced numerous inconveniences due to my gender. On the way down from the summit of Mount Rainier on an exposed and crevassed section of glacier, I desperately needed to go pee. I was fourteen and the only woman climbing the mountain. The men on my rope team were able to simply turn around and unzip their flies to go pee. By contrast, I had to fully remove my climbing harness and pull my pants down around my ankles which left me in physical danger of falling into one of the many deep gorges in the glacier around us with no way to climb out, and it also left my body exposed to dozens of male climbers on the narrow trail. This is not an uncommon situation for women to find themselves in.”
“Later, I was a guide for the Middlebury Mountain Club in college and spent 12 months traveling the world on a Thomas J. Watson Fellowship researching gender dynamics in the mountain guiding industry,” Massey went on, adding: “I've gone on expeditions with all-women teams in India and Argentina, and trekked with woman guides in Nepal, Thailand, and Chile. My co-founder, Georgia Grace, guided orientation trips at Middlebury College and was a Glacier Guide in Alaska during a summer in college.”
So, in other words, these women know mountains. And glaciers and woods and such. And that means they also know well the frustrations that come along with the majesty and wonder of such places.
What was the inspiration for the Go There pants? Was it a “light bulb” sort of moment or more of a slow, methodical development? And what was so frustrating about other options for women's hiking pants that you went ahead and started a company?
“The inspiration for SheFly came from that summer my co-founder Georgia Grace spent working as a glacier guide in Alaska,” Massey said. “She was one of the only female guides and had to trek across the glacier to find privacy, removing multiple layers in the freezing cold. A full summer of this inconvenience led her to cut her water consumption, and she thought there must be a better way for women to go to the bathroom outside. She prototyped numerous options. I joined up with her and our team refined the design into our current patented zipper.”

What is the primary problem the brand is trying to solve, and what sets you apart from other products that have the same mission, if any even exist?
“The problem is that pants were historically designed by and for men, and have yet to be updated. We believe that the problem with answering nature's call has nothing to do with our anatomy, and everything to do with our clothing. As a company that lies at the intersection of women's empowerment and outdoor accessibility, we design gear in sizes 00-22 that is technical, durable, fashionable, and takes into account basic human needs to level the playing field for women.”
What informed your development of the pants?
“We didn't just want to solve the bathroom problem, we also wanted to solve the other problems women have with our pants. We have five pockets that are all actually large enough to hold a phone or wallet. We spent years developing a fit that is flattering on many body types, and we utilize adjustable features like a waist tie and ankle cinch for a custom fit. The pants are cute enough to wear around town, but durable enough for serious alpine climbing.”
Tell us about your flagship products – what are the most notable features, and that's including but also beyond the obvious?
“Our flagship product is our Go There Pant. It's a technical, comfortable, multifunctional, all-season hiking pants with a unique addition: our patented SheFly® zipper that will change women's experiences outdoors. In addition to a traditional zipper fly (to take your pants on and off), a second SheFly® zipper starts below the first fly and extends around to the back of the pants, allowing you to pee comfortably and safely, without taking your pants off.”
Who is the primary customer of She/Fly, and for what activities is the brand's apparel/gear best suited?
“Our primary customers are women and nonbinary and trans people who struggle to use the bathroom with traditional pants. The pants are used for numerous activities, including hiking, climbing, mountaineering, road tripping, attending music festivals, and casual wear.”
What's next for the company looking ahead down the trail?
“We are launching additional products next spring, including our Go There Short.”
photos c/o shefly